Contact Us

You may either message us directly through the Band or through email at We always stick around after meetings to take your questions individually; don't be shy!

We are your first point of contact; do not message the sponsors or go to their room with questions about points, meetings, etc. They will only direct you back to us. Whenever you need to visit their rooms (dropping off forms, etc.), do not go during class. Go only before school, during passing periods, and after school (conference periods not available).

Officers 2024-2025:

President: Eesha Reddy

Vice Presidents: Alina Cervantes and Lucia Bronfman

Communications: Aaditya Aravind

Historian: Yasmin Ismailova

Public Relations: Emily Tay

Secretary: Nicholas Tyner

Treasurer: Lauren Fountain

Tutoring: Gowri Radhakrishnan

Social Director: Amara Lewis